absolutely nothing

Hello Everyone (except Hannah Schmaltzy because she was a little rude last time we chatted and hurted my feelings). Thank you to the few people who messaged me after reading my previous blog post (some of you do not understand the concept of fiction). I appreciate your concern; however, I want to clarify that just because I wrote about something, does not mean that I have done it. Okay? This is a tough one to get your mind around, trust me, I know, but I assure you that I am not a murderer as depicted in the last story. However, that is something a murder would say to throw you off… so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe I am a murderer and, now, a LIAR.  

Anyhow, it is 8:30 something or another, and I’ve already absolutely had it for the day. Not in a very serious sense, today has been fine. But that wouldn’t make good news, now would it? I’m mostly just upset because I messed up my French Press (even though Scottie has explained to me multiple times how to use it properly) and spilled coffee all over myself and Peach. I didn’t enjoy that, Peach didn’t enjoy that, and I assume the neighbors didn’t enjoy it when I yelled. It’s probably been a long morning for them as well.

I also realized today amidst the coffee chaos, that I haven’t seen any interesting people about lately, no woman in the net, no man holding a box full of orange juice, no breakups in Target parking lots, or escaped babies running around art stores. Nothing but normal and mundane – no one in my apartment building has even had a dramatic breakup by the garage; what is up, people??? That was my primary source of entertainment throughout 2020.

I voiced this observation to my sister, saying, “ I haven’t seen any peculiar people around lately,”

To which Faye, in very much Faye fashion, said, “You are the peculiar people,”

I would be horrifically offended by this and make a scene, but I can’t really argue with her because I don’t necessarily disagree.

I just wonder where all the interesting people have gone—hidden away until it’s warm again? Are they scared of the Corona Virus? I’m getting sick of existing with all these normal, responsible, sensible individuals. More action is needed. ASAP. That being said, if you are an odd person or know of one, message me. 

Can we also talk about conspiracies? And I’m not talking just political stuff (you all know I am a nut case for a good political conspiracy); I mean more along the lines of aliens and other weird junk you can find on the internet in the middle of the night. Coast to Coast AM type stuff- what are your thoughts?

the weather and what I’ve had for breakfast dictates my feelings on these types of things. I am, though, a diehard believer in the Loch Ness Monster, want to get that out in the open. No one talk shit about her out here, okay?

What weird things do you lay awake and think about? Many moons ago, my uncle Edward and I, along with some of my cousins, all sat down to watch horror movies. The deal was that whoever got through all the movies would get a whole dollar (my concept of money was and is still skewed). I thought this was a great deal. We ended up running out of movies and had to go make a trip to get more. toward the end of the night, which was really the early morning, we watched one on aliens, and it fried my brain. 

For the next few nights/years/still to this day, I am terrified to pee in the middle of the night because I can just FEEL the extraterrestrial waiting to take me. I have to throw back the shower curtain and voice that I will, for sure, kill anyone who tries to kidnap me right now and that I am NOT in the mood to be bothered. Not sure if that is the most effective means of going about this fear, but it has worked for me so far so.

I read a few books about aliens this year and now I am also scared to walk to my car alone at my parents’ house (thank you, Faye Katherine, for always coming with). Aliens just aren’t to be messed with, in my opinion.

And the last thing I want to chat about is papercuts. Not much to say about them other than I have a lot of them, and it burns when I wash my hands.

And that’s that.

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